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Delegation and Supervision Essentials → Introduction to Delegation

Introduction to Delegation and Supervision (D&E 0-0)

Whether you’re a senior lawyer delegating to junior lawyers, or a junior lawyer delegating to interns or support staff, this course will teach essential skills and techniques to help you delegate effectively, strengthen your relationships with junior lawyers and professional staff, and get exactly what you need every time.

The first chapter examines how delegation is crucial to delivering high-quality work to clients on time and within budget, and how poor delegation increases risk for clients and firms. It also explores some common delegation styles, and it highlights how authority, responsibility, and accountability are at the heart of effective delegation.

Te second chapter closely examines the process of delegation, focusing on the key steps involved in both preparing to delegate and actually delegating, whether in person or by email. It looks at the decisions you need to make whenever you delegate a task, and it explains how those decisions impact the five elements of an IDEAL delegation briefing.

The final chapter examines how to supervise work effectively, and how social style influences the quality of the work product you receive. It also explains how to monitor and review delegated work, and it explores why persuasion is essential in delegating work to colleagues.
  • Introduction to Delegation and Supervision
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed