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Introduction to Delegation and Supervision (D&E 0-0)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
Introduction to Delegation
Introduction to Delegation and Supervision (D&E 0-0)
Whether you’re a senior lawyer delegating to junior lawyers, or a junior lawyer delegating to interns or support staff, this course will teach essential skills and techniques to help you delegate effectively, strengthen your relationships with...
Lawyers, Law Firms and Delegation (D&E 1-1)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
The Business Side of Delegation
Lawyers, Law Firms and Delegation (D&E 1-1)
Learn what delegation is and what it’s not, and why skillful delegation is so much more important for law firms than for any other business.
Delegator or Terminator? (D&E 1-3)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
The Business Side of Delegation
Delegator or Terminator? (D&E 1-3)
In this lesson, you'll study some common, effective delegation styles—and the styles you must avoid at all costs.
The Delegation Dilemna (D&E 1-4)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
The Business Side of Delegation
The Delegation Dilemna (D&E 1-4)
Learn the reasons many lawyers resist delegating, and why very few of those reasons are valid.
Delegation and Risk (D&E 1-5)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
The Business Side of Delegation
Delegation and Risk (D&E 1-5)
Learn about the connection between effective delegation and law-firm risk management, and how poor delegation can endanger your business and your reputation.
Preparing to Delegate (D&E 2-1)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
Delegation in Action
Preparing to Delegate (D&E 2-1)
Learn what to think about before you delegate, how to prepare effectively for a delegation briefing, and just what you can—and can’t—delegate.
The Delegation Ladder (D&E 2-2)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
Delegation in Action
The Delegation Ladder (D&E 2-2)
Learn the different levels of authority you can grant when you delegate, and how the nature of the task and your delegee’s experience level both impact the approach you take to delegation.
Delegation and Supervision (D&E 2-3)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
Delegation in Action
Delegation and Supervision (D&E 2-3)
Learn how your decision as to the level of supervision you’re going to use is an essential part of preparing to delegate, and what you need to consider before you decide.
The IDEAL Delegation Framework (Part 1) (D&E 2-4)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
Delegation in Action
The IDEAL Delegation Framework (Part 1) (D&E 2-4)
Introduce yourself to a helpful framework for use in any delegation briefing, and learn how to effectively present any task, in person or by email.
The IDEAL Delegation Framework (Part 2) (D&E 2-5)
Delegation and Supervision Essentials
Delegation in Action
The IDEAL Delegation Framework (Part 2) (D&E 2-5)
Learn how properly describing a task sets your delegee—and you—up for success, as well as how to address questions even before they’re asked.

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